Friday, February 25, 2011


Currently watching a new Winter 2011 anime Gosick...its Lolita, mystery, horror and moe cuteness all rolled into one...Just my kinda anime...

This anime takes place at a made up European country in the year 1924.

Its about a girl named Victorique (pronounce as Victorica), a "tensai"(genius) in solving myteries who befriends a Japanese transfer student Kazuya Kujo, 3rd son to a Japanese Imperial Soldier (who has a sudden sense of responsibility in protecting Victorique) and together they solve mysterious cases that sometimes involves the supernatural (well human made supernatural to be exact..lolz).

Introducing the lovely Victorique~

I love her character...she's too cute for words~! Moe~! =3

And this is Kazuya Kujo!

Its currently my favorite anime...what's your current fav anime? Have been following this season's Winter 2011 animes? =3

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